cultural imperialism


The Cambridge dictionary quite simply defines cultural imperialism as one “culture of a large and powerful country, organization, etc. having a great influence on another less powerful country.This is just a basic dictionary definition of the term. The dictionary explains it as culture of a large and powerful country, but this is not the truth.  A country is only as large and powerful as you perceive it to be.

Apartheid –   An official policy of racial segregation  in South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.

apartheid history

In our case as Africans we been made to feel less about being an African and by this we seem to think that anything from other countries like America is better than ours. we have given our power away.

These we call dominant countries like America and Britain, have brainwashed us through education in history books, televisions and films.
Africa is portrayed as poor, But is it?

Western imperialism destroyed the indigenous cultures in Africa with colonisation.

They did this through technological superiority and control of the mass media. People came to accept the inferior version of themselves as portrayed by Western culture. Hollywood films became a way of exporting American culture and create an acceptance of Western heroism. South African artists aspire to overseas recognition rather than building their own culture.

Google, Facebook, Instagram to name a few  are perfect examples of cultural imperialism.

They have came to Africa with new technologies and within these technologies lies beneath  evil control oppression of the Africans, the new apartheid.
Imperialist forces manipulate sentiments around culture to continue oppression.

Google which owns YouTube is using it platform to oppress and insult our woman, children and culture then using its company policies as a shield.

Google the American Company preaches about diversity, and bringing technology to better people’s lives. While this may come with some positive effects  — showing Google as a hero or bringing racial equality in a positive light, for example — it also tends to paint America as a leader or hero, but at the same time installing  a negative effect on the viewer (Africans)’s perception of his own country or other non-American cultures.Making us Africans think that their technology is helpful to us, but the truth is it is not.

Secluding Africans

black women during aparthied

abuse of african woman

For white people this is standard.
According to Google our culture is classified as nudity and of sexual nature, and it is unsuitable for its community standards. Google has its offices in Africa and the question you ask yourself is which community is Google referring to then?.  Google is referring to its American community then enforcing the American community values into the African values. Western imperialism destroyed the indigenous cultures in Africa with colonisation through apartheid and today Google is practicing the same principles but in a form of cyber control through the internet. This is the new Apartheid, Cyber wars..

They destroyed our confidence and value of being ourselves by constantly promoting Africans as backward and  demeaning our traditions.

Read More On :  Cultural Chauvinism  | Google  |  Facebook | Letter To Google




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